Thursday, July 05, 2007

Nehemiah Speaks

God is still speaking to me through the book of Nehemiah. We studied it a month ago and I just didn't want to put it on the shelf; there is so much in it!

Last week I was reading chapter two and stopped when I reached the point when Nehemiah was talking with the King (which is right at the beginning) and asked permission to go back to Jerusalem. It was interesting putting myself in the King’s “shoes” and wondering what he was thinking. Nehemiah had to have been trustworthy in order to be a cupbearer, he was very important to the King. So I was thinking about how I would feel if one of my most trustworthy students came to me and asked permission to go somewhere and study or whatever (basically leaving a “position” of leadership in the youth group). I was impressed with the King’s response by allowing Nehemiah to go. It doesn’t say anything about the King’s trust in the Lord in that situation; it just says that his wife was at his side (maybe to talk it over with her??). Anyway, for me it would be a trust issue in order to find a “replacement” for a “position.” We have lots going on this summer and especially in September so I will need lots of help and staff (student leaders too). One of the student leaders, Jesus Alberto, is someone who will be helping, however, yesterday I learned he might be wanting to go to a Bible school or something like that soon. So, I thought about the issue with Nehemiah and the King again. I will trust in the Lord, no student is “mine.”

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