They Smell Like Sheep by Dr. Lynn Anderson is one of the best books I've read in a long, long time. I think it's a must read for Pastors, Elders, Deacons, any Leaders in the church.
He focuses on the simplicity of what it means to mentor someone, what it means to pastor someone, and ends with the authority that a Pastor has (or doesn't have) amongst the sheep.
It's an easy read and very interesting. I highly recommend it!
Greetings Everyone from Cofradía Mexico! We had a great time last weekend (May 27-30) in Sinaloa. Our family went to Mazatlan on Friday and we stayed the night at a hotel as we had promised the girls a trip to the beach since last April. Well, they were more excited about the pool than the beach...we only saw the beach, didn’t even touch the sand! They loved their time there! The next day we went to the wedding of one of our students who married a girl from Mazatlan. We are very proud of them for setting a good example. You can see their picture here. Sunday I spoke in the two services of Cosecha Final La Cruz church with my friend, Pastor Héctor Robles. It was a great blessing to be part of their services and see what God is doing there. Soon, our students will be attending camp there at the end of July. Monday, we headed back home.
Last month we asked for your prayers concerning...
Alternative Missions Staff “as we work through a transitional period.” Dave and Kathy Elias have been in Mexico for over 20 years with most of their time here in Cofradía. They have felt a call to return to their home in Canada. Dave is the Area Director of Alternative Missions Cofradía and both of them have a big influence in many areas. To fill their shoes is a huge task and something that our whole Missionary Staff and the Church body will need to work together in order to step up and take over responsibilities. I have already been appointed as the new Area Director and we are moving forward in a positive way with this transition. We are excited about what God can do through this, yet sad that the Elias’ will be leaving. July 20 is their departure date.
Pastor Gollo “for wisdom as he guides the church, it’s leaders, and the home groups that meet during the week.” I was at a leadership meeting that Pastor Gollo held last night and the energy for being positive, strong leaders was very present. He is doing an excellent job, the home groups are going well, and the Cofradía church is moving forward. We have some quality people!
Sandy Garzon will be joining our staff on June 23. She has written a support letter that you can see here. We are so excited about this new addition to our staff as she will be working with Short-Term Mission teams, helping with the administration of the church, and living on the Mission Base as a caretaker.
Our Personal Support We have not received a response since last month’s update concerning our monthly support. Here is what we wrote about it, “A few months ago we were seeking to raise our support $600 a month and asked you to give towards our immediate need of Health Insurance. Many of you have given and others have started to faithfully donate each month and we thank you very much for that. We are still short of our goal by around $200 of monthly pledges. My home church, Gateway Fellowship, has generously made a commitment to match $1 for every $2 of pledges to help us finish reaching our goal. Please let us know by responding to this email about how you can help us reach our goal.”
Follow these links for more... TenBrink Update— The TenBrinks are fellow Missionaries in Cofradía and have done a great job of bringing things up to date. April Video Update Most Viewed YouTube video of ours (New Church Inauguration) Facebook—if you’re on Facebook, I’d love to get in touch with you!
This month, would you please pray for...
Transition Please continue to keep our staff and church in your prayers as we adjust to the change.
Sandy Garzon for support as she will be joining our Missionary Staff.
Our Personal Support as I’ve mentioned above.
Mily Garzon who will be working as an intern in San Martin Peras, Oaxaca for two months with a mission called “La Embajada.” She leaves on June 26, here is her letter explaining her trip.
Short-Term Missions teams Canyon Hills from Bothel, WA will be here June 25-July 4 and Gateway Fellowship from Poulsbo, WA will be here July 5-July 14. Pray for their safety and influence amongst the locals and everyone they come in contact with.
Thank you very much for partnering with us through your prayers and financial support. Click here to donate.
Steve, Geña, Rebecka and Emma Rose Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico SKYPE: “srsilberman”
Luis Aguilar and Rakel Melendrez were married on Saturday afternoon in Mazatlán. We are very proud of them both and excited for them. Luis has been part of our Student Ministry for a few years and occasionally helps lead worship for us. His twin sister, Veronica, was married two months ago. Rakel lived in Mazatlán where her dad pastors a church in the Colonial Flores Magón. Congratulations Luis and Rakel...Felicidades!!!