Thursday, April 26, 2018

Freedom in Christ - Tuxpan

Pastor Goyo, Pastor Luis, and I spent three days teaching an intensive course on Freedom in Christ with the Church of God congregation in Tuxpan, Nayarit.  Most of these believers are very new to the gospel and have been around the block!  With great enthusiasm, Pastor Abimael continued to encourage those attending and has done a great job as their Pastor. 

With these new believers, some didn't know what to expect and expressed a nervousness and fear as we approached the sessions of going through the Steps to Freedom in Christ.  It was obvious that the enemy was at work.

As we always do, we separated the men and women.  In both groups, we experienced interesting circumstances.  There were many interruptions at the location where we met with the men, but we still sensed freeness in the atmosphere.  The women stayed at the church to walk through the steps.  They needed to stall a bit when they reached the point of renouncing past experiences with witchcraft.  One of the participants had been involved in such activity.  As she was renouncing these things, there was a cry that was heard and all of the sudden the door slammed shut.  One of the leaders continued with her until she was able to renounce all the activities in which she had been involved.

Amazing things are happening.  Every person who participates in this course expresses a sense of freedom and a realization of the lies they have believed about either themselves or God.  One woman said she felt like a feather.  We have found that the biggest obstacle that prevents believers from growing is unforgiveness in their life.  It's amazing what happens when one is able to forgive!

Thank you so much for praying for us as we continue to lead these seminars.  Pastors are continually asking us to come out to their church and teach.  Your prayers and support at this link are helping people find Freedom in Christ!

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