If I could put a title to the next chapter of our life, it would be “Listen!”. In the midst of all of our planning with so many projects we would like to accomplish, this spoke loudly to me. We believe we are moving in the right direction, but we also know that it is important to take time out and “Listen!”. The Lord continues to show His grace to us as we plan for our time in the states and we thank you all very much! Many of you have responded to our request of 30 people to give $100 a month for 13 months (July 2019 – July 2020) in order to help supplement our cost of living for the next year. For more information and to see a graph of where we’re at here, click here.
Last month, we asked you to please pray for...
- Alex (the boy who was in a serious motorcycle accident) and his dad, Nacho, were in church a couple Sundays ago for the first time together. At the end, they came forward for prayer and made a decision to follow Christ. Thank you so much for your prayers! He will be returning to the hospital for a follow-up surgery to insert a metal plate soon. In the picture below, I’m sharing with Alex and his dad after they came forward.
- Furlough Preparation: Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we prepare to leave. Our departure date from Cofradia is set for June 24 which will give us time to arrive in Washington by mid-July after visiting family, friends, and churches along the way.
- Administrative Assistant. Things with Goyito are going well. He has learned a lot and this week I hand things over to him and he will start on his own.
- Leadership Training School Project: Phenomenal! We are so excited for this as we have seen a good response and the pastors and leaders taking the class are hungry to learn. Pastors Goyo and Luis have led three weeks and it is going very well. Thank you for your continued prayers!
- Establishing Employment Projects: Thank you for continuing to pray for this project. We want to see healthy, strong families that do not have to say “good-bye” to their dad for 6 months out of every year. Healthy families equals a healthy church and community! We want to do what we can to work towards this vision. We are unofficially estimating nearly $3,000 of seed money for land prep, materials, and two months worth of labor to get things started. If you would like to help build strong families in our church and community, you can make a donation to our Cofradia General Fund and make a note for “Cofradia Bricks”. Thank you!
- Restoration Center. They are still working on the paperwork to get it finished. Pray for guidance and patience as there are a number of people who are excited to serve and potential interns showing almost every week who need help. Those interns are being turned away or taken to a different facility hours from Rosamorada because things are not officially set up yet. In the meantime, a small, older house is ready to be used, but the land for the future site is available now. We need $9,000 to purchase the land, pay the taxes, and put us in a position to start building. There is $2,500 of matching funds available; that means your donation will be doubled up to $5,000! Some of you have already given towards this and we are so grateful! If you have not had that opportunity yet, please consider what you can do. Here is a link to make a safe online tax-deductible donation.
- Knee Surgery. My knee is doing well. I should be ready to go by the time we leave and continue with physical therapy. Thank you for your prayers!
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I'm speaking with Alex and his dad after they came forward for prayer. |
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Leadership Training School for Pastors and Leaders |
- Last Month’s Update
- New Donation Links: We have revised the links for specific donations to our ministry. Click here to get those links.
- Pastors’ Perspectives: Click here to read bi-annual reports from our Pastors.
- Quick Look into our Ministry
- Cofradía Dwellings Candidates
This month, will you please pray for...
- Furlough Preparation: Please continue to pray for our family and ministry as we prepare for our one-year stay in Washington. Pray for our specific family needs such as a place to live, getting the girls settled in next year’s schooling, situating certain things here in Cofradía, and we anticipate a considerable increase in our financial support needs. See the section at the end of this message entitled “Join Our Financial Support Team” for information on how to help. We will be on the road at this time next month.
- Administrative Assistant. Pray for Goyito as I will be turning him loose this week.
- Leadership Training School Project: Pastor Goyo and Pastor Luis continue to teach the Pastors and Leaders on Tuesday nights using John Maxwell’s book The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader’s Day. People are hungry and absorbing these studies.
- Establishing Employment Projects: Please continue to pray for this project to get started and for the Lord’s guidance as we wait for His timing. We want to buy the land for not only this project, but others future projects. The price is $7,000 dollars and we estimate nearly another $3,000 to start it up. We see this project more as a ministry than a business. If you can help, make a donation to our Cofradia General Fund and make a note for “Cofradia Bricks”. If you would like more information on this, please email me.
- Restoration Center. Please continue to pray for the paperwork to come through and the remaining finances needed. As I mentioned above, there are matching funds of $2,500. That means your donation will be doubled up to $5,000! $9,000 more dollars will purchase the land, pay the taxes, and put us in a position to start building. Some of you have already given towards this and we are so grateful! If you have not had that opportunity yet, please consider what you can do. Here is a link to make a safe online tax-deductible donation. If you would like more information on this, please email me.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!
Thank you so much for being part of our team as we work together to RAISE UP LEADERS IN RURAL MEXICO!!!!
Steve, Geña, Rebecka, Emma, and Mackenzie Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions
Cofradia Area Director
Online, you can make a one-time, tax-deductible gift, or set up to make automatic monthly donations to our PERSONAL SUPPORT at this link.
Send a check made out to Alternative Missions to Alternative Missions / PO Box 3107 / Ferndale, WA 98248. Indicate that it is for The Silbermans for our PERSONAL SUPPORT.
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