Another interesting week as the race in the challenge continues…
As we were preparing the event around noon, I found out that a few people might not be able to make it to help out on staff, so I scrambled for plans B and more. Finally, everything worked out and it was a fun evening with the youth.
We started where we ended last week giving the team leaders time to share some of the Word with their teammates and encourage them in continuing to do a great job. All of the leaders are doing really good with their teams.
Los Crucificados
Los Victoriosos
Los Sabios
La Vision
Los Perseguidos
When the sharing time was finished, we started the continuation of the race one team after another in the order in which they finished last week. Their first activity was to make a goal on Chuy (Student Leader-Staff) in the speed soccer court. The first team made it on their first try, but the other five teams spent over 20 minutes trying to make it in! It was a lot of fun to watch as the last place team caught up to the second place team in this event.
Once they made the goal, they hopped in a truck and searched for a balloon of the color of their team along side the road for their next clue.

That directed them to the river where they were to memorize a series of pictures.

Then cross the river to put them in the same order as they were on the post.

Once they made the goal, they hopped in a truck and searched for a balloon of the color of their team along side the road for their next clue.
That directed them to the river where they were to memorize a series of pictures.
Then cross the river to put them in the same order as they were on the post.
If they were unable to put them in the right order, a different member from their team had to try. Once the one member of the team was able to figure it out, they got their next clue which led them to the bridge on the road from Cofradía to Arrayanes. There, they were to find a rock with the name of their team on it that was sitting on an island of rocks in the middle of the river beneath the bridge. Some were amazingly able to get the rock right away.
From there they were dropped off at the baseball field in Arrayanes where they had to find their colored balloon with directions to their next the Arrayanes Church. This is where they finished the race for the day.
It was Independence Day in Mexico so like last year, we had a water balloon-gladiators style game which was to be our big event for the day. We filled over 1200 water balloons in the morning in preparation for this!
We had four of these barrells full!
Once all the teams arrived, the excitement began. They would receive points for each person they hit with a water balloon. While one team tossed water balloons, the other teams, one by one, ran through an obstacle course that ended at the soccer court goal. This was a lot of fun to watch. Each team member had to make it through the goal before the song ended (the song was what is played twice in the video below).
Their final challenge for the day was in form of questions once again. This was to determine who would do the chores this week. The same two teams that ended up doing the chores last week got stuck doing them again this week. They had to wash all six trucks used in the race, and then I gave them extra points for washing a couple other things.
Their final challenge for the day was in form of questions once again. This was to determine who would do the chores this week. The same two teams that ended up doing the chores last week got stuck doing them again this week. They had to wash all six trucks used in the race, and then I gave them extra points for washing a couple other things.
That video was GREAT! And what a fantastic song to pic! It looks like so much fun! I can't wait to finally be there for EL RETO next year!