Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Greating Everyone! Thank you so much for your prayers this past month. We have been pretty busy with a lot of activities, but are thankful for what the Lord has been doing in our lives.

Last month, we asked for your prayers concerning...
  • House Thank you for continuing to keep this in mind as we are looking forward to adding a couple of rooms upstairs.
  • Zetas Issue Things have calmed down a little bit. The student are back in school for summer sessions and we’re looking forward to things returning to normal.
  • Student Leadership Retreat We had an awesome time in Mazatlan with our new Student Leadership team. Thank you for keeping this in prayer. This retreat went really well and it’s usually an indicator on how things will go for the next 12 months. Here is a report.
  • Summer Tournaments No injuries and lots of new students. This was a great opportunity to develop relationships with new students, especially the female soccer tournament where we had three teams of 4 girls each. Click here for a report and pics.
  • Summer Camp We had a great time in La Cruz de Elota, Sinaloa with Cosecha Final La Cruz Church. Change Agents was the theme this year and you can see a report here.
  • EL RETO 2010 Thank you for keeping this in prayer as we continue to prepare for this event. We are still in need of about $1000 for funding this event. A big thank you to those who have already donated. Let me know if you’d like to get involved and participate by sowing into what is the most impactful event for our students. Read here for the announcement.

Follow these links for more..
Border Trip—A quick trip to Tucson, AZ.
Inauguration—On February 27, 2011, we will be inaugurating the new church and beginning our weekly services there. Come join us!!!
Facebook—if you’re on Facebook, I’d love to get in touch with you!

This month, would you please pray for...
  • House Thank you to all who have helped us in this area. If you would like to invest in our family, this would be a great way!
  • Rebecka turns 8 years old on the 13th!!
  • EL RETO 2010 Please continue to pray for this... Our biggest event of the year is coming up at the end of the summer and we are in the process of making plans right now. This year’s theme is “En Busca De..?..” (In Search of..?..). What do you search for in your life? We will be incorporating aspects of investigation and detective games. It should be a lot of fun! We are still in need of $1000 usdollars in order to put this together. Please consider sponsoring this event; email me if you’d like to make a pledge. Again, this is a huge event that not only our students look forward to, but the adults who help staff the event, AND the children can’t wait to grow up so they can be part of this event once they’re in youth group! (September)

Thank you very much for your prayers and continued support.
As you give, you are investing in the Kingdom of God. This is an opportunity for you to further His Kingdom, thank you so much! Click here to donate.

Steve, Geña, Rebecka and Emma Rose Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
SKYPE: “srsilberman”

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