Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Amado's vision is to provide a place where those who have whatever kind of addiction can be restored to good health and find hope and a place in the community by learning a trade.  The mission is to restore addicts and healthfully reinstall them into society.

Each week, the Mayor of Rosamorada receives phone calls or has people come to him for help with their family members who have addictions.  He is anxiously waiting for the Rehab Center to get started and has promised help with the building of the Center.  The obstacle is property.

There was about 8 acres of land that is very suitable for this project, but the owner has raised her price to $350,000 pesos (roughly $20,000 USDollars).  We went with Amado to pay for a portion of the land after raising $8,000 dollars.  We found out that cannot be done, but the whole property needs to be bought instead.  We need $12,000 more dollars in order to satisfy the payment of the land and help Amado get started with the building projects.

In the meantime, Pastor Amado and his team have been getting a rental ready to house up to 12 interns and begin restoring lives in the Rehab Center.  Waiting for the property is only dragging out the commencement.


Here are some photos of the rental house they will be using:
Front of rental house.

Side of rental house.

Back yard of rental house.

Pastor Amado in the kitchen area.

The Mayor donated a stove and fridge to the Center.

Pastor Amado and his family.

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