Tuesday, October 25, 2022

When Words Hurt by Dr. Warren Bullock

A former professor and district leader of mine, Dr. Warren Bullock, just gave me a book he wrote, When Words Hurt: Helping Godly Leaders Respond Wisely to Criticism, in Spanish to give to some pastors and leaders in our ministry. This is a treasure chest of biblical truths about how to handle criticism. Each chapter had something to digest and meditate on. Dr. Bullock has a phenomenal way of writing truth with simplicity. As I read the book, I was reminded of different times in my life that I have had to deal with criticism. It was a very encouraging book and was exceptionally easy to read and follow his thought process. Spoiler alert...in the end, grace always wins!

On a personal note, one of the ways that helps me deal with criticism is knowing who I am in Christ and what God has called me to do. If I'm doubtful about my calling, I will doubt the way I do things and follow the direction of the critics. If I'm secure in my calling, no matter what is said or who says it, I can rest assured that I am being obedient to my ultimate Leader. This book exposes weather we should or shouldn't listen to certain critics and how to handle it when some of it is true. What a blessing! Thank you Dr. Bullock!

If you are a leader, this is an essential read!

I highly recommend this book and it can be found at Amazon here.

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