Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Hurricane Roslyn

Hurricane Roslyn hit northern Nayarit on Sunday morning, October 23, as a Category 3 storm. It scooted past Cofradía just 10 miles north of us. We had high winds early in the morning and an abundance of rain during the daytime on Sunday. That evening we found out that the most hit places were where we had friends. The next day Pastor Goyo and I went to visit them to see how they were doing. 

The town of Llano del Tigre looked like it had a crew-cut. No tree was left undamaged; either rooted up or cut in half. Many people use sheet metal to roof their houses or usually garages and porches; they were left in a tangled mess. The large metal covering that they just had put up in the center of town was crumbled to the ground. Next to that, the cell tower was doubled over in a knot. As a fishing town, most of the people have fishing boats/canoes called pangas. They are like a big 20ft rowboat, but with a motor. Most of them were either damaged or flung up the hillside hundreds of yards away. Praise the Lord for no lives lost in this town, but clean-up will take a while. The power poles and power lines were strung out all over the streets. I did not take any pictures, but our friend, Brother Nelson, took some the day before we got there. He and his family are all ok. Pastor Israel from the local AG church was working on his roof when we stopped by. All of his sheet metal was blown off. The storm did not respect anyone. All were affected in that town and others towns as well. Everyone will be fine, people here are hard workers and very resilient.

If you would like to help in any way, please let us know. You can send financial contributions to "Cofradia Disaster Relief" through Family Renewal Ministries. Follow this instructions at this page.

Here are a couple of photos we've seen:

Downed power lines in Llano del Tigre

Structure crumbled to the ground in Llano del Tigre

Brother Nelson in front of what was his grandparents' uninhabited house.

Bridge from Cofradia to Arrayanes Sunday evening.

UPDATE 10/27
I just finished chatting with one of our Pastor friends, Abimael, from Tuxpan. He and his family received a house in our House Building program in November of 2017. One year later, they lost almost everything due to flooding of Hurricane Willa. Again, but not as bad, they were flooded. They had three feet of water inside their house. My heart breaks at this news. His daughter's business completely lost their roof and a cement wall fell on their truck. 
If you would like to help in any way, please let us know. You can send financial contributions to "Cofradia Disaster Relief" through Family Renewal Ministries. Follow this instructions at this page.
One of Rebecka's High School friends from the same town, Tuxpan, took this picture from her roof...

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