Jose Luis
We’re excited to do something new this year! On June 6 and 7 we plan to take four of our older and mature youth on an overnight Leadership Retreat. This has been on my heart for about a year and it’s great to see it coming to life.
Each student is at least 20 years old and has been part of the youth group for a while. On this retreat, we’ll be looking at the life of Nehemiah and his leadership skills; specifically his devotional life, the actions he took towards his vision, how he confronted opposition, and we’ll also look at the completion of his vision.
Our plan is to leave early in the morning to have a time of teaching, reflection, and sharing from God’s Word. We’ll stay the night in a hotel and before we return the next evening, we’ll challenge these four students to put together a “day camp” in July for the new seventh graders that will be joining our youth group this summer. This will give an opportunity for the new students to feel welcome and get to know some of the older students as leaders. It should be an exciting time!
We’re really looking forward to this and we believe that this is where God is taking us as our ministry is growing more into training others to be leaders. Just like Nehemiah received a vision to do something for God’s Kingdom, the passion and burden I personally have for this event is incredible.
In order to fight off the enemy and their tactics, Nehemiah equipped half of the people with spears, shields, bows and armor while the other half did the work. We would ask you please join us in prayer for this retreat and be one of those people that are “standing guard”.
Pray for…
· Safety in traveling to and from Mazatlán and safety while we’re there.
· Clarity of mind for the staff who will be leading this retreat (Steve, Geña, and Amber).
· Open hearts and minds for the students (Sandra, Martín, José Luís, and Jesús).
· Passion in all of us for the cause of Christ.
· Fruit
· And pray for whatever else the Lord puts on your hearts.
Thank you so much for being part of what God is doing in Cofradía.
Steve and Geña Silberman
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