Wednesday, August 01, 2012


Greetings from Cofradía, Mexico!  We pray that all is well with our friends and family this summer.  Things are going well as we are excitedly awaiting the birth of our third child and look forward to another blessing in our family.  These past couple of weeks have been a bit tough in terms of damage to certain items caused by the thunder and lightning storms we’ve had.  One of those items is Geña’s Macbook; it was confirmed to us today that the motherboard has been damaged.  It was not connected to electricity, but happened through our USB Modem for dial-up internet (which was damaged as well).  A costly mistake, but we trust that we are in the hands of our Sovereign Lord.  As many of you have heard me say before, “It’s all gonna burn in the end.” LOL!

Last month, we asked you to pray for...

  • Baby The Doctor says things are going very well.  We saw him this week and the baby weighs just about 7 lbs. right now and he says that it’s a girl!  We are looking forward to announcing the birth before our next update!  Stay tuned!
  • SPECIAL NEED - EL RETO We are still in need of finances for this event.  Some of you have given already, THANK YOU!  We still need finances to continue.   The students are getting excited and our Captains’ Training Retreat is coming up soon as well.  We will be giving them some practical activities to do to get them prepared for leading a team, accomplishing tasks, and working with people.  It should be really exciting! 
  • Graduation Emma graduated from Kindergarten and Rebecka finished 4th grade this year.  Click here for pics.
  • Upper Room Project Geña’s brother, Hugo, has been working on the smooth-wall of our house.  The work has slowed down quite a bit has he is very busy managing other jobs as well.  We still need finances to complete this job.  For details on what’s next, click here and scroll down
  • Youth Camp Our students had an excellent time in La Cruz for Summer Camp.  Five guys went along with Pastor Luis and a couple of them came back with answers to spiritual questions they’ve had and a deeper relationship with God.  Thank you for your prayers and concern for the next generation of leaders!  I’ve heard nothing but good things about this year!

Links to other news:

This month, will you please pray for...
  • Baby Please continue to pray for a smooth and healthy pregnancy.  If you would give a little extra this month, we would appreciate it as our health insurance does not cover maternity.  Thank you!  The due date is Aug. 29
  • SPECIAL NEED - EL RETO Finances, wisdom, and for an incredible impact in the youth’s lives: 
  • Upper Room Project Finances.
  • CAPTAIN’S TRAINING RETREAT Please keep in prayer our six captains as they prepare for EL RETO: Alfredo, Jorge, Francisco, Andres, Jazmin, and Karolina.
  • Rebecka Frances will be turning 10 on August 13!!
  • Children’s Ministry We will be sending 9 of our children to Camp this week!  This is the first time our church has had the opportunity to send them to camp (Aug 2-4).  Thank you for your prayers over them!

Thank you very much for partnering with us through your prayers and financial support.
Click here to donate to our personal support.

Steve, Geña, Rebecka and Emma Rose Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions Cofradia
Area Director
SKYPE: “srsilberman”

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