Thursday, December 05, 2019

The Well Build November 2019

The Well Church from Salt Lake City chose the Solis Huizar family to build a house for in November. Here is their bio that was located on the "Dwellings" tab of this blog...

The Solis Huizar Family
Gregorio (Goyo), of Cofradía, and Rafaela, of Rosarito (a small community in the mountains of Nayarit), are a young couple with two daughters, Mairani and Karla. Goyo’s mother, Modesta, and her grandson Luis also live with them. (It is very common for indigenous families to live together.)

Modesta has no husband, so Goyo has taken on the responsibility of caring for his mother and nephew in addition to his own family.  At this time, he works as a brick layer, earning enough to cover the cost of food and some of their necessary expenses, but that is insufficient for building a house.  After expenses, they have only been able to save enough to purchase just half of the parcel of land where they one day hope to build a house.

They currently live in a borrowed house. Rafaela says it is difficult knowing that at any moment the owners could require the house again, leaving them without a place to live. Having their own home would provide a long-desired sense of stability for their family.

The Well worked hard and was able to finish the house on Thursday evening before dedicating it to the family on Friday morning. This group was unique in that some team members along with a couple of our staff felt a heavy oppression near the beginning. It was a goose-bump making breakthrough when the song "Way Maker" came on at the job-site and with the encouragement of one staff member in particular, they all began to worship in unison along with the song. It was an amazing time! It's so cool to see God doing stuff like this that in the midst of our activities, He is recognized and we can take time to stop and worship Him! He makes a way when there seems to be no way and is working even though we don't see it sometimes!

Enjoy the video...

If you are interested in putting together a team or joining one to help change the life of a family, contact me here.

If you cannot go, will you help sponsor those who can't? We have had donations help teams come up with the funds needed in order for them to go. Click here to donate to our Cofradia Operations general funds and designate your contribution as "Cofradia Dwellings". We have two teams coming up in February. One is fully-funded, the other is not.

Thank you for being part of our team!

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