Friday, February 02, 2018


Greetings from Cofradía, Mexico! Another full month has passed.  Upon returning to Cofradía from our two-week visit in California/Arizona, I took off the next day with the Elders of the church on a two-day retreat.  It was tiring, but a blessing.  We then scrambled to prepare for the arrival of the Cy-Fair team who came down to build Florentina’s house which was a tremendous joy to be a part of!  Pastor Luis and I sat down afterwards to fill out a report to the government on our Civil Association activities of 2017 just in time before the January 31st deadline.  We’re moving forward and anticipating an exciting February with more activities.  Thank you so much for your prayers!


Last month, we asked you to please pray for...

  1. Border Trip. Thank you for your prayers!  We had an exciting time visiting friends and family and (finally) celebrating Rebecka’s 15th birthday at Six Flags.  I’ve posted a quick report here which includes a boat trip in San Diego! 
  2. Elder’s Retreat.  We had a great time with the Elders.  We continue to focus on the Freedom in Christ material as it becomes more and more real to us every time it’s taught.  The Elders team is growing stronger under Pastor Goyo’s leadership and direction. 
  3. Short-Term Missions team from Cy-Fair Christian Church in Houston, Texas.  We had an amazing time.  The house dedication was very delightful as Florentina joyfully began dancing once she opened her door and stepped over the threshold.  Follow this link to read about her story.
  4. Bible School Thank you for your continued prayers as we focus on the 6 students who still need to finish an exam to officially be done with their degrees.

Here are some links to more:

This month, will you please pray for...
  1. Administrative Tasks. I still have a number of administrative tasks to take care of before I get back into the “normal” routine.  Please pray for strength, endurance, and wisdom. 
  2. Cofradía Date Night.  Our annual Date Night will be held next Saturday with our friends Doug and Jan Taylor coming to speak again.  This is an excellent time to reach out to married couples who one or both may not know the Lord.  The Taylors will also be speaking to our leaders on Friday and the congregation on Sunday (January 9-11). 
  3. Short-Term Missions team from Mount Vernon, Washington, will be joining us to help us fix the extremely leaky roof in the education wing of the church (February 17-24). 
  4. Freedom in Christ discipleship course.  We’re going to start a 13 week discipleship course with the Freedom in Christ material.  This will be our first time teaching it in the format in which it was designed.  We expect this to be an excellent, eye-opening time for many as we will be able to take advantage of all the material instead of having to skip over some things.  Please pray for Pastor Goyo, Pastor Luis, and myself as we take turns teaching on Tuesday nights starting February 13. 
  5. Freedom in Christ Seminar.  The pastors who have attended these seminars have been asking us to take this to their churches and places they have mission churches.  This is what we’ll be doing in March with Pastor Abimael from Tuxpan in the town called Guadalupe Victoria, about an hour and a half away (towards San Blas for those of you who are familiar with this area).  Please pray for us as we prepare and teach (March 2-4).

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!

Thank you so much for being part of our team as we work together to RAISE UP LEADERS IN RURAL MEXICO!!!!


Steve, Geña, Rebecka, Emma, and Mackenzie Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions
Cofradia Area Director
Online, you can make a one-time, tax-deductible gift, or set up to make automatic monthly donations to our personal support at this link.

Send a check made out to Alternative Missions to Alternative Missions / PO Box 3107 / Ferndale, WA 98248.  Indicate that it is for The Silbermans.

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