Last month, we asked you to please pray for...
- Grace Course. It was a blessing for us to be able to teach this course from Freedom in Christ Ministries. Attendance ranged from 25 – 30 people each week. Here is a little more about it.
- Pastor Ruben from Las Varas, Nayarit, is doing a lot better. He still has another month to recover before he starts rehab. During our visit with him and his wife this month, she was badly burned on her chest and arms with boiling water. She also had to rest for a week which set them back a little with the church and work.
- Church Truck. The pastors purchased a truck for the church which was a huge need. Thank you all who participated in helping with this great need. See the truck here.
- Administrative Tasks. Over the next couple of months, I will be training Goyito (Pastor Goyo’s son) in taking over the majority of my administrative tasks while we’re gone. He has been living on the base as a caretaker for a while now and I have full confidence that he will do a great job.
- Visitor: Our friend Behzad Mostofi from Poulsbo, Washington, was here for 10 days to visit our ministry and take advantage of the opportunity to get some dental work done. It was a great time as he encouraged and challenged all of us. I have been praying for a number of years about some of our conversation topics. It was very motivational and the Lord’s timing is always correct; it was perfect timing! Thank you, Behzad!
Here are some links to more:
- Last Month’s Update
- Martin’s Motorcycle: His Place Church from Washington recently donated a motorcycle to Martin.
- Pastors’ Perspectives: Bi-annual reports from our Pastors.
- Quick Look into our Ministry A document that shares our history, vision, and mission.
- Cofradía Dwellings Candidates
This month, will you please pray for...
- Furlough Preparation: Please pray for our family and ministry as we prepare for our one-year stay in Washington. We are fully confident in the present leaders here to administer well and continue in the direction God has been leading us, but it will still be a lot of work. Pray for our specific family needs as we will be needing a place to stay, getting the girls settled in next year’s schooling, situating certain things here in Cofradía, and we anticipate a considerable increase in our financial support needs. We know that this is the Lord’s will and necessary, but it is going to be a stretch of faith for us so we ask that you please keep us in your prayers. I will be sending out another email with more details soon.
- Pastor Ruben from Las Varas, Nayarit. Please continue to pray for healing in his leg and the burn his wife suffered.
- Provisional Administrator. As I mentioned above, I will be training Goyito in the majority of my administrative tasks over the next couple months. He will be receiving a salary and living on and taking care of the mission base as well.
- Visitors: The Calderon family from Templo Calvario, Bakersfield, will be with us for a few days this month for a visit. We are always excited to host visitors and look forward to having them here. (13-15)
Thank you so much for being part of our team as we work together to RAISE UP LEADERS IN RURAL MEXICO!!!!

Steve, Geña, Rebecka, Emma, and Mackenzie Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions
Cofradia Area Director
Online, you can make a one-time, tax-deductible gift, or set up to make automatic monthly donations to our PERSONAL SUPPORT at this link.
Send a check made out to Alternative Missions to Alternative Missions / PO Box 3107 / Ferndale, WA 98248. Indicate that it is for The Silbermans for our PERSONAL SUPPORT.
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