Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Children's Classroom in Arrayanes

Monday morning we learned that after service on Sunday evening, someone set fire to our Children’s classroom at the church in Arrayanes. Pastor Gollo and I went to see the damage, the church members were quick to put it out, but we lost about a quarter of the roof (made of palm branch). Pray for Pastor Horacio, he took it very hard. We already know that this town doesn’t like the Christians. He has had to deal with many things like cleaning up after humans using the back porch for a bathroom, the goats come in and use the children’s classroom as a home and leave their stuff while their at it. Donkeys, cows, pigs, etc. roam the area. We have a fence, but people go in and don’t shut the gate, thus making it easy for the animals to come in. Pray for peace and a calm spirit for the pastor.

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