Greetings from Cofradía, Mexico! November is here! We like November because even though the temperature hits an occasional 100 degrees, there is a noticeable change in the weather. It is cooler with a little less humidity...a nice time to be here. :)

Last month, we asked you to pray for...
- Drug Rehab Center. We are still having difficulties communicating with the owner of the land. Our hope is that this month we’ll be able to get into contact...all in God’s timing!
- House Build - Dwellings Team. We are hosting a team of men who will be here November 12 – 19 to build a home for the Ramos-Arreola family here in Cofradia. We just poured the floor last Saturday and are preparing for the team’s arrival.
- Sandy Garzon. This is Sandy’s last month as a missionary staff with us. We have been working on transition for a couple of months and she is excited for her new adventures. Please continue to pray for her.
Here are some links to more:
- Last Month’s Update.
- Cofradia Dwellings Candidates. See four families who are in need of a home.
- EL RETO: If you missed any of the reports or are curious about EL RETO, click here to see the latest.
- What is EL RETO?
- Pastoral Perspectives: Click here to read bi-annual reports from three of our Pastors.
- A Quick Look into our Ministry: A two minute clip of some of the activities and more.
- Cofradia’s Short-Term Missions Manual explains more of our mission in detail. Click on this link to check it out.
This month, will you please pray for...
- Drug Rehab Center. Please pray that we can get into contact with the owner of the land. Please pray for Pastor Amado and his team for protection over him, his family, his staff, and all of those involved. Let me know if you can help make a dent in the financial need he has in order to get this ministry safely on it’s feet.
- House Build - Dwellings Team. Pray for safety, divine encounters, and that this family will know that God is their provider. (November 12 – 19)
- 16th Anniversary! Geña and I will be celebrating 16 years of marriage on November 18. Thank you to all who have been a part of our lives, family, and ministry. We love you!
- Public School Mini-RETO: We have been invited to help organize and carry out a two-day Mini-RETO for a Jr. High and High School in San Ignacio, Sinaloa November 25 and 26. Pray for safety and that we will be able to share the love of God to these students. What an opportunity! Our Student Ministries pastor, Luis, and his family will be accompanying us (the Silbermans) for this outreach. We will need $300 to cover the cost of gas, tolls, meals, and supplies. If you would like to make a special donation, please click here.
- Bible College: We currently have 10 students taking classes right now. We are studying Eschatology and Discipleship Counseling. It has been very helpful and challenging. Please continue to pray for the students as they are challenged to grow in their knowledge of the Lord and practical aspects of ministry. Fall classes end on November 29.
- Mazatlan Women’s Conference: Eleven women from our church will be headed to Mazatlan for a women’s conference the weekend of December 2 – 4. Pray for the Lord’s anointing on the speakers and open hearts for the women. Also pray that the Lord works on the hearts of the husbands who will be staying home.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!
Thank you so much for being part of our team as we work together to RAISE UP LEADERS IN RURAL MEXICO!!!!
Steve, Geña, Rebecka, Emma, and Mackenzie Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions
Cofradia Area Director
Online, you can make a one-time, tax-deductible gift, or set up to make automatic monthly donations to our personal support at this link.
Send a check made out to Alternative Missions to Alternative Missions / PO Box 3107 / Ferndale, WA 98248. On a separate note, indicate that it is for The Silbermans.
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